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Rapid Training Programs FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there things you cannot fund?

Large equipment purchases. There is some flexibility for equipment under $5,000. But we cannot currently purchase large capital equipment such as trucks due to limitations by the state on our funds.

Full-Time Employees (FTE). We can provide support for instructors as needed for training programs. But we cannot fund a FTE at organizations.

What industries can qualify for support?

These are the current industries we serve:

  • Media & Entertainment 
  • Technology
  • Construction & Trades
  • Healthcare
  • Forestry & Natural Resource Conservation
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing

If there is a demonstrated need for certain skills gaps from employers in other industries not listed, please reach out to us so we can see how we can help you.

Why are other industries not qualified?

Based on data collected from surveys, from the DLI, and EMSI burning glass, these industries will see the highest growth across the state of Montana over the next 5-10 years.

How much money can we apply for?

The AccelerateMT team is still working on the best way to evaluate and distribute funds to programs across the state.

If I have a training program that supports high-need jobs and industries, but my enrollment numbers aren't meeting their targets, could I still qualify for funds?

Absolutely - the training funds may be used to subsidize the cost of running a program in high-demand industries for less than typical enrollment numbers

When can I expect to hear from AccelerateMT about funding?

Our team is doing its best to gather all information at this time, development of an equitable evaluation system, and ensure that we are following all laws with regards to funds distribution.

For the time being, we would ask that you give us several weeks to get this going and we aim to start distributing awards later this spring.

I would like to learn more about the funding for scholarships for Carroll College’s Accelerated Nursing Program and Masters of Social Work Program. Where can I get more information?

If you have questions about the Carroll College scholarships, please reach out to:

  • Accelerated Nursing Program: Lauren Swant, Nursing Program Director, and Department Chair,, 406-447-5495
  • Masters of Social Work Program: James Petrovich, Director of Master of Social Work,, 406-447-4317
What is the criteria for training programs you can support?
Programs we can support must include:
  • Training is less than 6 months in duration
  • Results in a job placement or promotion/wage increase that is part of a career ladder that is at or leads to a $ 50,000-year job
  • Has employer support
Can you support the development of new training programs?

We can support developing new training programs that meet the in-demand needs of employers. These would also need to meet the three requirements below: 

  • Training is less than 3 months in duration
  • Results in a job placement or promotion/wage increase that is part of a career ladder that is at or leads to a $50,000 year job
  • Has employer support

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Let us know what your questions are about the Rapid Training Program and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 


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